Thursday, September 3, 2009


2012 End of the World


2012 End of the World by kakarotoni

2012 has been a superstition to be the "End of the World" in many cultures around the world. One of the major evidence to be found is from the writings of the Mayan culture. The Mayans were brilliant artist of studying astrology and predicting events around the world. For some reason their calendar ends in the year 2012 A.D. which has brought up many suspicions.


Could it be that there is some sort of catastrophic event to occur in the year 2012? Or is this some sort of superstition similar to the Y2K controversy? This is my article which will be updated and revised periodically for the sole purpose of letting society be aware of what could come or what is to come.

I will pull out a number of evidence and facts I found to support my article. I am in a neutral position of what could happen. Because why would I want the world to end? I would rather be prepared of what could possibly happen rather then deny what could happen. This should not scare others but bring awareness of what man kind could fall into.

The "End of the World" is stated in the Bible, in Nostradamos's prophecies, and even in Mayan culture. There are a number of websites dedicated for the "2012 End of the World" concept which has brought a lot of debate on the table. SatansRapture is one website that offers a number of information about the predictions. The site speaks of a large comet that could travel through our solar system causing catastrophic world changes. Some call it Planet X and others call it Nibiru . Supposedly this comet is larger than Jupiter and if it ever passes through our solar system it could cause planet Earth to shift the world's polar axis which could cause severe weather conditions such as tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and climate changes. But, that is not simply enough to convince any normal reader that this could be true.


Well, if some website made by a proclaimed doomsday fan just brings skepticism then what about Nasa? What can Nasa tell us about Nibiru? Check this out, Nasa claims to have found another planet Nasa Site.

However, a simple chance of a comet colliding with the Earth is still possible but also slim. It has happened before and it’s more the possible to happen again. Could mankind be ready for this? Some engineers are developing nuclear warheads to use specifically on large objects that could collide with the Earth.

But, let’s forget about the comet theory for a bit. There are other hazardous things that could destroy life as we know it. The issue of "Global Warming" should not be neglected and be taken very seriously. With the whole "green house effect" and temperatures rising every year the world will witness weather changes that could be irreversible. Would anyone believe that this could be the first time in human history where the North Pole will melt away completely by the end of summer? Could this play a role in "2012 End of the World" theory or possibly later on? I found an article about it located here if anyone is interested....North Pole gone by the end of summer.


So let’s say "Global Warming" never causes any catastrophic events and amazingly people like Al Gore helps contribute to reverse it and humans go about their daily lives like nothing happened. We are forgetting other problems that could destroy us. Political tensions and the wars in the Middle East play a big role in the survival of human kind.

With the wars going on in the Middle East many believe it could get worse. How long has the war with Iraq been going on for? I remember just being a college student of the age of 20 years old when America first started bombing Iraq. And that was years ago. Sure, America has accomplished a lot in Iraq but there is a huge debate on what the main reason for the invasion to begin with. From what I remember there was supposedly "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq. No weapons of mass destruction were found. And Iraq did not play a role in 9/11 either. But, I believe 9/11 triggered one of the reasons to invade Iraq as a purpose for "war against terrorism".